Jessica Middleton, RN
Charge Nurse, Psychiatric Care Coordination
With over 1,600 nurses on staff at ZSFG, the array of vital roles played by nurses is vast. But while some nurses spend their day at the bedside, there is a critical group of nurses working behind the scenes.
Jessica Middleton, RN spends her day, not in the clinic or ward, but on the phone, making plans for her patients after their stay at ZSFG for psychiatric care. Care Coordination is a critical step in the healing journey for patients, and alongside her team of nurses, Jessica works to ensure each patient finds the next best place to continue receiving care.
With over 20 years of experience, first in patient eligibility and financial services before going back to school to become a nurse, Jessica understands the patients who rely on ZSFG for care. This, paired with her deep understanding of the healthcare system, makes Jessica an advocate for her patients.
I am amazed every day when I come to work, seeing my colleagues in action – facilitating, arranging, coordinating the discharge for very complex patients. These are hidden figures behind the scenes that are making things happen.