Every year, the Foundation awards Hearts Grants for innovative hospital projects and initiatives that would otherwise go unfunded. Ranging from new models of care to essential staff education, the Hearts Grantees show was on-the-ground innovation can mean for our community.
Congratulations to the 2019 Hearts Grants recipients.
ED Nurses Mindful Wellbeing and Retention $4,525 Support the Nurses Mindful Wellbeing program, aimed to reduce burnout and increase ED nurse retention.
Improving Pediatric Perioperative Experience $5,090 Provide children and families a positive and comforting experience during the perioperative period.
Comfort Garden Poetry Walk $5,859 Display patient poetry in artist-made kiosks to provide patient comfort.
Health Advocates Strengthening Systems $7,389 Increase the number of families screened for social and legal needs by modifying the Children’s Health Center workflow.
ZSFG Refugee Health Symposium $11,107 Host a symposium to increase refugee awareness and provide resources for clinicians to ensure best practices and care for refugee, asylum seeker, and undocumented patients.
Men’s Cancer Survivor Series $11,740 Establish a Men’s Cancer Survivor Breakfast series to provide men with cancer emotional support and a safe space to share experience and advanced care planning.
Fatty Liver Education $12,450 Develop a patient education class about fatty liver disease and lifestyle modifications to improve liver function.
Reducing Sweet Beverage Consumption – Educational Video$12,500 Develop an educational video for Latino parents and caregivers to avoid consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages
Pharmacy Leadership Strategic Planning and Team Retreat$14,066.84 Support a Leadership Strategic Planning and Team Retreat to build stronger staff relationships.
Night Staff Equity Pop-up Lounge $14,500 Support 12 pop-up lounges, providing ZSFG night staff an opportunity to learn and participate in facilitated conversations about health equity.
Advancing Equity by Removing Language Barriers $16,260 Launch a two-year pilot program to provide on-demand, chat-based human translation services to enhance language access services for patients.
Family Health Center Scholars Program $17,283.50 Provide hands-on clinical experience for undergraduates interested in pursuing a career in healthcare.
Family-Centered Safe Sleep Program $19,050 Provide sleep education packets and safe sleep surfaces for babies to reduce sudden infant death syndrome.
Nursing Leadership Professional Development $23,136.24 Support a nursing educational leadership training seminar.
Patient Care Assistant & Medical Evaluation Assistant Training$23,136.24 Develop a curriculum for enhancing nursing communication and leadership skills.
Support Services Leadership Development $34,632.18 Improve staff communication and interactions by conducting interpersonal and intrapersonal skills training.
Bridge Clinic Immigrant Rights Initiative $36,075 Provide free legal aid and services for immigrant families.
Bridge to Employment for Victims of Violent Injury $40,000 Expand job readiness trainings for victims of violent injury to develop skills necessary to succeed in full-time employment.
Whole Person Care for Vulnerable Patients $40,000 Provide transgender patients and patients seeking abortions with easy access to healthcare.
Closing the Hypertension Disparity Gap $51,200 Train barbers to become health coaches and address hypertension control barriers in the Black/African-American community.
Patient Privacy Screen $4,800 Purchase new patient privacy screens to increase patient privacy.
Breastfeeding-Friendly Worksite $11,398 Transform the lactation room in building 80 and equip the newFamily Health Center lactation space with the necessary tools tobest support working mothers.
Comprehensive Counseling Services for Heart Failure Patients$25,000 Purchase blood pressure monitors and scales for heart failurepatients and teach essential self-care skills to decreasereadmissions.
Genentech OTI Junior Academy $50,000 The Orthopaedic Trauma Institute (OTI) Junior AcademyProgram is an enrichment program focused on encouraging acareer in healthcare for Bay Area students from diversebackgrounds each summer through an interactive 8-weekcourse.
First Republic Bank Vocational Rehabilitation Program $25,000 Provides job readiness and job training for individuals withchronic mental illness and allows the program to expand to thenext level of placing individuals, with little to no prior workexperience, into competitive employment in San Francisco.
Macy’s HIVE Pro-Men Project $20,000 Support HIVE’s monthly PRO Men Reproductive Health Clinic at Ward 86, developing patient and provider tools to ensure patients can achieve their sexual and reproductive health goals.