Innovations in Public Health

Learn more about the people and programs at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital that bring equity and innovation to public health.
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Using AI for Health Equity
Dr. Susan Ehrlich, ZSFG CEO, and Dr. Lukas Zeir discuss the recent innovations in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) that are proving to reliably predict health outcomes for patients, giving providers the ability to intervene in an adverse health event or even prevent that event before it occurs.
Solid Start
Dr. Malini Nijagal, OB/GYN at ZSFG and co-leader of the SF Pregnancy & Family Pop-Up Village, and Dr. Melanie Thomas, a perinatal psychiatrist and Director of Solid Start, discuss the infant and early childhood prevention and intervention efforts at ZSFG and how the State of California is now recognizing the effectiveness of this innovative model of care.
Gun Violence is a Public Health Issue
ZSFG trauma surgeon Dr. Andre Campbell and California 5th District Congressman Mike Thompson to discuss the realities of gun violence prevention efforts, both locally and at the federal level.
Gun Violence is a Public Health Issue
In Part 2 of this series, CEO Kim Meredith discusses the community-based innovations that were pioneered at ZSFG – the San Francisco Wraparound Project. Featured guests: Dr. Rebecca Plevin, Director; Mike Texada, Case Manager.
The Healing Power of Getting Outside
Join Kim Meredith as she dives into public health and public spaces with Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy CEO Chris Lehnertz and ZSFG Pediatrician Dr. Amy Beck