ZSFG COVID Unit Nurse banana phone PPE

Help us support our city’s public hospital on the frontlines of COVID-19.


ZSFG continues to be the front lines of a constantly evolving public health crisis – from testing to treatment to vaccination. With a dedicated team and trusted emergency protocols in place, the hospital is caring for all San Franciscans.
In response to the growing needs at ZSFG in March 2020, the Foundation launched the ZSFG COVID-19 Fund. This fund was designed to support hospital administration with whatever they need today, tomorrow, and in the future to care for our city.

ZSFG on the frontlines of COVID-19


Health care Equity

COVID + Food Insecurity: Patient Pantries at ZSFG

Providers heard what their patients really needed during the pandemic.


Food Trucks for the Front Line

Supporting Health Care Heros and Local Businesses