

Brittany Burrows

Brittany Burrows is Nomlaki-Wintun/Pomo, born in Chico, CA, and moved to San Francisco, CA at age 11. From a young age, Brittany has always been fascinated with art, mostly ballpoint pen drawings. Brittany once took an art class in high school, and that is where she discovered her love for portrait drawings. She is mostly a self-taught artist who specializes in black and white portraits. Her mediums are pencil, charcoal, and graphite, but she enjoys other mediums such as painting, sculpting, and even arranging flowers because this taps into her creative side. Brittany’s biggest inspiration is her 10-year-old son, who encourages her to expose her work and dream big! Her community has also driven her to be more vocal because they believe in her talent. There is nothing more motivating than her child looking up to her, cheering her on, and reminding her to share her work.

2025 Hearts